Lehigh Valley PA Shelby Automotive Club
Celebrating 50+ Years Of
Automotive Excellence
Celebrating 50+ Years Of
Automotive Excellence
Celebrating 50+ Years Of
Automotive Excellence
Celebrating 50+ Years Of
Automotive Excellence
Celebrating 50+ Years Of
Automotive Excellence
Celebrating 50+ Years Of
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General Meeting
March 20, 2023

7:25 p.m. Meeting called to order


Attendees:  Tom, Cindy, Dan R, Len, Dan M, Dan K, Jack, Gary, Dennis B, Michael, Dennis Y, Paula, Diana, Dominic, Kurt, Renee, Chuck, Mike W.


Dan R. asked for acceptance of last meeting’s minutes – 1st, 2nd, excepted by all

Dan R. presented the treasurer report. 1st Tom, 2nd Dan M.

Dan R. states there are currently 34 paid members.  Reminder that membership dues are due now.


Happy birthday to Lenny and Denny!

Congrats to Scott and retiring from J&J after 30 years.


For calendar year 2023 - Dan R will be President; Michael F will be Treasurer; Gary will be Secretary


Dan R asked for number of people that plan on during go carts.  Price will need to be raised to $45.00 each.  Need at least a dozen people.  S & S Speedway, Sunday morning, 9:00 a.m. to noon – no set date yet.


Cars & Coffee


4010 Durham Road

Ottsville, PA   18942

Sunday, April 30, 2023

9:00 a.m. to noon


3DOG Garage Tour

15 S. Madison Street

Boyertown, PA  19512

Saturday, May 6, 2023

9:00 a.m. to noon

Please RSVP Dan Reiter at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Cars & Coffee

Manderbach Ford

301 South Front Street

Hamburg, PA   19526

Saturday, June 10, 2023

9:00 a.m. to noon


Snakes on the Mountain

Michael Fountaine’s house

Saturday, June 24, 2023

See flyer on website or on Club Facebook page

               Michael requests everyone coming get in contact with him on Thursday prior to the event so he has enough coffee and donuts.  Everyone will be able to see his McDonald’s collection.


Lehigh Valley Shelby Club Fall Event

Saturday,  September 24, 2023

Further details coming soon.



Other Events

FORDS at Carlisle

Carlisle Fairgrounds

1000 Bryn Mawr Road

Carlisle, PA   17013

June 13th – 15th, 2023

See www.carlisleevents.com for more information



Pitt Race International

Pittsburgh International Race Complex

Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsburgh Marriott North is the main hotel

July 13th – 15th, 2023

In conjunction with Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix and Team Shelby

See www.saacforum.com for more information



50/50 – Dan R brought in license plates & posters.

            Michael F – license plate

            Scott – license plate

            Jack – license plate

            Gary – poster

            Paula – poster

$45.00 – Scott


Fall Event – Lenny & Denny Co-Chairman – Lenny previewed what they have planned

            September 24, 2023 – Sunday

            Car show – 8:30 a.m. to approximately 1:00 p.m. for awards – Silver Creek Athletic


                        Complementary coffee and donuts w/entrance fee

                        Participation award for everyone entered

                        Chairman award; Sponsor award; Charity award; + 3 others

                                    Maybe Best of Era – 65-70; 90-2000; 2000 to current

                                    Maybe paper awards w/gift card

                                    No Club members to receive awards

            Dan R mentioned he feels there should be at least 10 class awards

            Afternoon will be a Poker Run – Separate fee from car show - card upon exit and

a couple of stops for rest of cards

$250.00 cash award for winner – plus few gift cards – maybe some trophies

Directions and must to zero out odometer

            Poker run will end at Inside Scoop where everyone will have a coupon for two scoops


Scott mentioned he thinks our members should commit to showing our cars – new GTs to have people interested in coming to see these rare cars – advertise as such.


Dan M suggest the charity folks man the poker stations with a donation jar/bucket to collect extra money as people get their poker card.


Discussion followed about whether to be all Fords or open up to other makes. 

            Lenny wants to keep all Fords for this year.

Lenny has been in touch with 1st PA Mustang Club, Pantera Club

Lenny & Denny do not want to do on-line registration.  Either use tear off at bottom of flyer or just show up day of and enter.


Charity will be Tails of Valor – local to Lehigh Valley which supplies dogs for veterans.


9:30 p.m. Meeting Adjourned


General Meeting
June 26, 2023

7:03 p.m. Meeting called to order


Attendees:  Tom Paxson, Dan Reiter, Len Rusiewicz, Jack Kohout, Gary Miller, Dominic Ciliberto, Diana L. Duffee, Bill & Cyndi Prohidney, Anna & Dan Mohry, Mike Wood, Mike Fountaine, Dennis Blocker, Dennis & Paula Yoo.


Secretary Report – Accepted – Dan M 1st, Dennis 2nd

Treasurer Report - Accepted – Dan M 1st, Dennis 2nd

Membership – 42 paid memberships.  Dan M. asked about new members with us tonight!  Bill & Cyndi Prohidney!

            Dan R called them ‘oldest’ he knows.

Correspondence – Dan R - P.O. Box is paid; Anna mentioned she received a letter from Lehigh

Valley Pediatric Hospital which is looking for donations.

Go Carts – Dan R – Price went up too high – skip for this year but will look to add back to the

calendar for next year.

Other Club Events – Dan R –

            Cars & Coffee at Seraphinas was rained out.  Seraphinas’ has been sold.  Shopping center

 owner is good with us still doing an event there.  Looking into a summer date.  Club

 member input wanted.  Maybe Labor Day Saturday.  Do a Beach Bingo for a summer date.

            Dominic said, “only a Shelby Club would do a beach thing without sand & water’.

Dan M suggested Fairless Fire Company has a large parking lot.

Dan R stated we will do again next Spring at Seraphinas


June 10th – Manderbach Ford – great turn out & great weather – approximately 70 cars.  There were food trucks and an ice cream truck (Dan R!).  A lot of cars went onto Fleetwood. 


3Dog Garage – unbelievable new building – great event.


Snakes on the Mountain –

Mike F read a letter that Susan wrote thanking everyone and pointing out good things about the event.  She thanked Deb & Tracey for handling entrants, mentioned Basta Pasta 30 people and how fresh the donuts were.

Mike F mentioned he incurred $2,526.00 in expenses.  He had 150 coasters made at $5.30 each which they gave out about 70 of them.  Requested members purchase the extras at $5.00 each.  Stated price of signs, flags, DJ, etc.

Denny thanked Mike for hosting.  How it stated out as a 1 car event.  Has invite for next year.  Viper will be the mark.  Viper race cars, VP of Chrysler, looking for more of our Club for connections to Ford special people.  No cost food all during the event, no tour, no restaurant.  Should be more entertaining, more relaxed, bring back some old people, bring more new people.

Viper won again this year.

Wants to get Cobras back again.  Get word out early to get people to put on calendars.

Dominic mentioned only 10 cars on the drive to Skippack.  Sun came out as we drove.  Restaurant was very good, all were able to park in Basta’s parking lot.  Tables were ready when we got there.

All thanked Mike F.


Dominic mentioned that in the future, if we have a tour, we should do it first thing in the morning then have a stopping place to gather at the end for lunch or drinks.  This way traffic is lighter.


Mike F asked about charity for the September event – Dogs of Valor

Denny agrees early start of tours/drives.


Old Business:

Ray Price Ford, East Stroudsburg – off Route 33 – Saturday, September 16th

Iron Pigs, Saturday, August 19th, 6:30 p.m. – last time mascot went after Mike F.

Fords at Carlisle – huge again this year.  Saturday was beautiful.  Dan R took his Focus.

            Dan M mentioned Rich Shaller was hit on his way back from Carlisle taking the back roads and his car is totaled.  He spent 3 weeks in the hospital in Carlisle and is back but still recovering.

            Mike F asked about parts – not a great selection.

SAAC48 – Pitt Race combined with Team Shelby Grand National East

            River boat cruise with dinner, tour Frank Lloyd Wright ‘falling water’ house.

            Thursday – Team Shelby dinner

            Friday – SAAC dinner

            Saturday – car show

            Dan R mentioned he will only be working track this time.

            Discussion about how SAAC attendance is down.  Conventions are not attracting

people like years ago.

Fall Event – Lenny

Thanked Paula for creating the flyer.  Logo good to go as far as putting on website. 

Cioccia big sponsor.  Gtechniq sponsorship is merchandise only/goodie bag stuff.

Short route, poker run, ends in Coopersburg at the Scoop.  Coupons for ice cream at the

Scoop to be part of the tour.  No online registration.  Car Show currently there will be 7 trophies.  Chance to win $250.00. 

Dan M asked about DJ – Denny/Lenny have not decided yet.  Suggested they add an cut off date for entry as they will be mailed in. 

$20.00 each car, each event.  Passenger can pay $15.00 for play poker run separate from the driver.  Will used a different deck of cards. 

Goodie bag has over $20.00 worth in it.

Lenny mentioned that based on prior attendance he expects $1,500.00 to go to charity.

Encourage charity folks to work the poker run stations.  Have people donate extra there.


Break for pizza


8:50 p.m. Resume meeting

50/50 – Diana won - $32.00

New Business:

Diana presented an option for the Club to go to Dave Markel’s collection in Skippack. 

$25.00 per person – Start time 10:00 a.m.

Need at least 25 but no more than 40 people

Sundays are preferred by the host.  He had suggested Aug 19th or 26th.  Club members suggested later in the year around mid-October.  Diana will follow up.

They prefer to do a couple of the garages in the morning, break for lunch (on your own at restaurants in Skippack) then regroup for a couple more garages in the afternoon.

Mike F suggested we get to see the newer/larger buildings.  Diana stated she can pick which buildings we see.

Anna mentioned she will handle the charity baskets again this year for the Sept event.

Dan M mentioned show at Fairless Fire Company to benefit first responders PTSD.  July 8th, 9am

to 2 pm (rain date July 9th), DJ, alcoholic beverages, food, 28 trophies, Sponsors pick the

trophy winners.  Champion belt to be awarded.

Macungie August Fest – Corvette the featured car this year.


9:01 p.m. – Meeting Adjourned – Dan M 1st; Dennis 2nd


General Meeting
Sept 11, 2023

Meeting called to order: 7:30 p.m. Moment of silence for Remembering of 9/11.

Attendees: Dan R, Tom & Cindy P, Dan & Anna M, Gary M, Michael F, Diana D, Dominic C, Len R,
Jack K, Bill P, Mike W, Kevin T, Dennis Y, Doug D, Ron R, Renee G, Curt
Secretary Report: 1st Tom P, 2nd Len R – Accepted by all.

Financial Report: 1st Dan M, 2nd Dennis Y – Accepted by all.
Membership: Dan R. states there are currently 45 paid family members.
Correspondence: No new items.

Old Business:
• Ford Carlisle was attended by several members. Great weather and show. Dan M
recommends joining Venom Club as it is free and members are allowed free food, drinks,
and shade at Carlisle events. Venom club is also advertising our Regional event for Sept.

• SAAC 48 was a great event and well attended with many cars, track events, and show
cars. Dan R helped at track event and Diana and Denny helped at registration. Team
Shelby ran the car show this year and open track had 2 run groups this year. Dan
thrashed his FFR to a 3rd place finish in the “fun” races. Concourse competition had 5
cars for judging.
The evening riverboat tour / meal was very nice and attended by a few members.
A hint for SAAC 49 is it may very well be held again on the East Coast. Possible locations
could be NJMP or VIR. SAAC 50 seems for certain to be a California location.

• Iron Pigs baseball brought out a large group thanks to Mike F. The Pigs managed a home
field win and the night was capped off by a great fireworks show.

Coming Events:
• Ray Price Ford
2971 Rt. 940
Mount Pocono, PA. 18344
Host is still needed. Open to all Makes. Saturday Sept 16. Time is 9-12AM

• LVSAAC Regional Fall Event – currently have 15 preregistered attendees.
Lenny & Denny Co-Chairman – Lenny previewed what they have.
September 24, 2023 – Sunday – Silver Creek Athletic Association
Car show – 9:00 a.m. to approximately 12:00 noon.
12:15 is the beginning of the awards.
• Complementary coffee and donuts w/entrance fee
• Participation award for everyone entered
• Chairman award; Sponsor award; Charity award

Car show trophy classes to be:
60-70 model years
80-90 model years
00-19 model years
19-up model years

No Club members to receive model year awards and will have separate parking at Silver

Prices are:
• Car show - $20
• Poker run driver $20. This includes goodie bag & ice cream (bag is $25-$30 value)
• Poker run additional player $15
• Tour route to be similar to past years.

Afternoon will be the Poker Run – Separate fee from car show - card upon exit and
a couple of stops for rest of cards.
• $250.00 cash award for winner – plus few gift cards – maybe some trophies.
• Directions and must zero out odometer at start.
• 12:45 is the start of the Poker run and it will end at Inside Scoop in Coopersburg
where everyone will have a coupon for two scoops.
• Parking for the Inside Scoop may be be at the Cooperburg VFW which is near by.
Sporting events on that day may determine if parking on the lawn grass behind
the Scoop will be best.

Event sponsors who have committed are Ciocca Ford and G-Technique (who will donate
detailing products.) Ciocca Ford donated $1,000. Club member Mike F. is again including
McDonald's sandwich gift cards in the goodie bags.

Anna M. will again be selling gift baskets which is a great addition to the show.
Club will also be selling 50/50 tickets during the show portion of the event.
Inside Scoop will also contribute a percentage of ALL ice cream sales during a set time
period to the club.

Charity will be Tails of Valor – local to Lehigh Valley which supplies dogs for veterans.

Meeting Break: 8:15 for pizza

Meeting Resumes: 8:35

50/50 Drawing:
• Dan brought several items to raffle off to members like:
Carlisle hat – Kevin
Carlisle hat - Mike
SAAC 37 medallion – Gary
Anniversary medallion – Dennis
Ford GT license plate – Jack

Cash prize of $40 was won by Dennis

New Business:
• Dave Markel Tour is Sunday, Oct 1 and begins at 10:00 AM. Tour will be 3 smaller garages
in the morning then lunch at your choice of restaurant and at your cost. Larger garages
will be toured in the afternoon and if time allows maybe a smaller garage can be viewed
also. A morning meeting spot is the Micro brewery located behind the Wawa at RT's 73
and 113. The group size is 25 minimum and a maximum of 40.
There are currently 21 people preregistered for this tour.

• 2024 Snakes on the Mountain will be on held on Saturday June 22, 2024 at Joyce and
Denny Blocker's home in Lehighton once again. Viper will be the featured Marque for
2024. Changes for this year are elimination of the driving tour and having guest speakers
discuss the history, origins, and production of the Dodge Viper. Coffee and donuts will be
provided in the morning and further food details to be announced at a later time.

• Fall Driving Tour is a possibility for this year for an informal get together of club members
to do a driving route. This is depending on interest and availability to see if it comes

• Winter Social Event is just in discussions and open to any input

• Go Karts are also open to input for 2024 as the price has greatly increased and will need
further talks on a game plan.

• America on Wheels Museum is going to have a featured Mustang display form April
2024 to October of that year. If anyone is interested in loaning your car for that display
please see Dan Mohry for more detailed information.

• Das Awkscht Fescht will be celebrating 60 years of the Mustang by having that car the
2024 Featured Marque. Dates for this Macungie event are August 2-4, 2024.

• Simeone Collection will display vintage ATCO drag cars at a future display.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:55 p.m. 1st Dan R, 2nd Diana D


General Meeting
Dec 04, 2023

Meeting called to order: 7:37 p.m.

Attendees: Dan R, Tom & Cindy P, Dan M, Gary M, Diana D, Dominic C, Len R, Jack K, Mike W,
Dennis Y, Ron R, Larry P, Bret & Bobbie E, Renee G
Secretary Report: Motion to pass on the reading of the minutes. 1st Tom P, 2nd Len R –
Accepted by all.

Financial Report: Balance of account was e-mailed out. Club will have a slight loss.

Membership: Dan R. states there are currently 47 paid family members.
2024 Dues are being accepted now. Cost remains at $25.00

Correspondence: No new items.

Old Business:
• Diana reviewed the tour of the Markle Collection and said that 34 people attended and
viewed 7 garages on that sunny afternoon. Everyone had a great time and many thanks
to her for organizing this event.

• Ray Price Ford. There was a good turnout of several makes and models of cars and
several club members brought out their rides. Len R. had his new Ford GT displayed.

• Regional Event. The event was pushed back due to rain on the original date and this
Sunday the weather was again not in our favor. Despite the conditions 42 cars attended
this event as other car shows were this same date. Dan & Anna again presented the
basket raffles and Dominic chose the awards. Michael F. was gracious again with
McDonald Sandwich coupons for the goody bags. Thanks to all for helping in various
capacities and also to our Sponsors. Even with the inclement weather and turnout the
show did profit the club about $300. The charity for this year was chosen to be Tails of
Valor which provides therapy dogs to local veterans. After a brief discussion an amount
of $1,500 will be presented to the organization at a later date. This motion was made by
Dan M and a 2nd from Larry P. At this time a brief announcement was made that the
2024 Regional will be a 1 day only car show in September. A stand alone driving event
will hopefully be held sometime in October. Dates for the above will be finalized in the

Meeting Break: 8:00pm for pizza

Meeting Resumes: 8:35pm

Coming Events:
• Dan R. asked if there was going to be a Holiday party. Club members agreed to move
forward. Dan & Anna will take the lead. Date and location: TBD.

• SAAC49 will be held at NJMP on 7/25 – 7/27/24. Team Shelby will again have a poker
run which will end at a vintage airplane museum.

• The Ford GT reunion will also be held on 7/25 – 7/27/24. This event will be hosted by
Fran Kress and will be in conjunction with the Pittsburgh Grand Prix.

• The club regional event will be held in September – exact date TBD.

• 2024 Snakes on the Mountain will be on held on Saturday June 22, 2024 at Joyce and
Denny Blocker's home in Lehighton once again. Viper will be the featured Marque for
2024. Changes for this year are elimination of the driving tour and having guest speakers
discuss the history, origins, and production of the Dodge Viper. Coffee and donuts will be
provided in the morning and further food details to be announced at a later time.

50/50 Drawing:

• Dan brought several items to raffle off to members like:
Tire Cup: Ron R.
F150 Lightning Tree Ornament: Cindy P.
73 Mach 1 Tree Ornament: Ron R.

Cash prize of $40 was won by Diana D.

New Business:
• Executive Board Nominations for 2024:
◦ President: Dan R. (Nominated himself.)
◦ Secretary: Gary M. (Nominated - Accepted)
◦ Treasurer: Diana D (Nominated herself.)
Motion made to accept all nominees: Dan R. 2nd Motion: Dan M. All accepted.

• Seraphinos Cars & Coffee Event will go on again. There are new owners – event date

• Iron Pigs Night will be dropped for 2024.

• Go Karts are also open to input for 2024 as the price has greatly increased and will need
further talks on a game plan.

• America on Wheels Museum is going to have a featured Mustang display form April
2024 to October of that year. If anyone is interested in loaning your car for that display
please see Dan Mohry for more detailed information.

• Das Awkscht Fescht will be celebrating 60 years of the Mustang by having that car the
2024 Featured Marque. Dates for this Macungie event are August 2-4, 2024.

• Simeone Collection will display vintage ATCO drag cars at a future display.

Dan R. wished everyone Happy Holidays and a Safe 2024.

Meeting Adjourned: 9:00pm. 1st Dan M, 2nd Dominic